This video provides an overview of the best practices for converting a machine with VMware Converter. This video is based on VMware knowledge base article 1004588. This video also provides tips to consider when converting your machine. The video can help you avoid some of these errors:
Unknown error returned by VMware Converter Agent
Out of disk space
Failed to establish Vim connection
Import host not found
P2VError UFAD_SYSTEM_ERROR(Internal Error)
Pcopy_CloneTree failed with err=80
The file exists (80)
Failed to connect
Giving up trying to connect
Failed to take snapshot of the source volume
stcbasic.sys not installed or snapshot creation failed. err=2
Can’t create undo folder
Number of virtual devices exceeds maximum for a given controller
QueryDosDevice: ret=270 size=1024 err=0
Error opening disk device: Incorrect function (1)
Vsnap does not have admin rights
Specified key identifier already exists
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